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Surakarta (Solo)

Solo is one of great heritage cities in the world. Solo consists thousands of unique, genuine cultures. Batik, wayang, gamelan are the examples of many etnic culture.

One main tourist attraction of Surakarta is the Keraton Surakarta, the palace of Susuhunan Pakubuwono, also the Princely Javanese court of Mangkunegaran.
Pasar Gede market is often visited by tourists, mostly for its unique architecture and fame as the biggest traditional market in the Solo area.
The Pasar Klewer is famous for its batiks in all prices and qualities, while the Pasar Triwindhu located near Mangkunegaran palace specializes in antiques.
Taman Sriwedari is a popular local entertainment park featuring a children's playground, dangdut music performance, and Wayang Wong traditional Javanese dance performance almost every night.
Near the park is Radyapustaka Museum, one of the oldest museums in Indonesia, with a collection of Javanese cultural artifacts.
The traditional batik village of Laweyan and Kampung Batik Kauman, located in the southwest part of the city and the city center respectively, are famous for producing fine quality Javanese batik

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  • YPAC, kamal (guest) wrote 3 years ago:
    Yayasan pendidikan anak cacat
  • Masjid Al-Fajar, Ngoresan, Jebres, Solo, hartonologic wrote 3 years ago:
    Wallahu a'lam bi as-showab Mas / Mbak :-)
  • SMP Negeri 4 Surakarta, S. Hermaini Johan (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    Kapan ada Reuni ya aku jg lulusan 1970,sekarang aku tinggal di Nederland sudah lebih dari 40 Tahun,aku kepingin mau kunjungi Reuni , Please kabarin dong .salam sejah tera dari Belanda
  • PT Pos Indonesia, dzikri ardhan f (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    kok barang saya cuma berhenti dikantor pos solo kok belum dikirim
  • ORANGE Carwash, Narto (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    Lumayan cukup bersih juga nyucinya
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